Can we please never mention the former President again? Remember during the campaign, he promised that if he lost to Joe Biden, you'd never hear from him again. The SOB never shuts up. I have heard more from him since he lost than when he was in office. Just STFU! And to the news media: stop covering every utterance the orange buffoon says.
If you've ever wondered why I don't blog more than I do, it's mostly because I like to write when I have the place to myself, which doesn't happen very often. The hubby doesn't understand "alone time" -- he even gets upset when I leave for my weekly pool night with the guys. He needs to learn how to enjoy alone time, not dread it.
It's nice being able to go to the movies again. We've seen quite a few since the restrictions have been lessened, at least here in SF. We still wear our masks most of the time, but being able to remove them to enjoy a movie seems like a real treat. The new James Bond movie was a real disappointment. I won't spoil it with why it was such a downer, but you've probably heard already.
The aforementioned pool team has been doing pretty well this shortened season. We've won six matches with at least double-digit wins, and only lost two matches. With two weeks left to go, we should be able to hold our overall place in the standings and be in the top eight, which allows us to host at least a first-round (maybe even a second round too) match during the playoffs to determine the league champion. And I do love my teammates; a great bunch of guys. A couple of weeks ago, the team we hosted included my old friend and teammate, Hugh. That's us in the photo.
While out for a walk after visiting Rainbow Grocery, we ran across this mural of the much beloved Sylvester, the disco queen from the late 1970s and early 1980s. He had some of the biggest disco hits during the height of the disco era. His two backup singers were big gals and had the nickname of "Two Tons of Fun" -- and fun they all were!
I hit a new low on the bathroom scale today: 134.4! My original goal was to lose 20 pounds and I've now exceeded that by a pound. Quite happy maintaining the weight in the 134-139 range. Anything under 140 brings a smile to my face.
Halloween is coming up -- his favorite holiday. We'll probably get dressed up again this year; last year was a wash what with COVID, we didn't do anything. He's been shopping for wigs already. He is a wig maniac.
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