MAYNARD MUNN and MILLARD SMITH Disclaimer: some of the following is quite racy in case you don't want to read the entire first paragraph.
Maynard Munn was my uncle. I accidently found out recently that he passed away in June 2021. The photo above was a perfect photo for his obituary, as that is exactly how I remember him. He and Millard were together for as long as I knew him, and I recently turned 70, so I believe they were together for over 65 years at the minimum. In his obituary, they described Millard as his "longtime friend and business associate" -- I guess they still couldn't reconcile that they were in actuality, gay. In June of 1967, Uncle Main came up to Michigan to attend my older brother's graduation from high school. Mom pulled me aside and said I had a decision to make. He wanted to take me back to Jacksonville when he returned but if I chose that option, I would have to bypass taking driver's education classes that summer. Wasn't much of a decision for me -- I chose the trip, which lasted for about a full month. I was 16 at the time and I was very excited to get out of Michigan for the first time. One day I took the bus to downtown Jacksonville to meet up with Uncle Main for lunch. After we had lunch, I had time to kill for exploring before he got off work. Walking around downtown, I found an "adult" bookstore. Boy was I surprised at what I found within that store. Most of the pictures of men were not fully nude shots, but my 16-year old hormones still kicked in, achieving the desired results from looking at such pictures. I blond man in probably his 20s walked past me as I perused the magazines, rubbing my crotch as he went past. Whoa! He motioned me to follow him and that is what I did. We went to a nearby office building, went into a men's room. The only words spoken were by him: "Do you suck," he asked. I nodded furiously but we didn't do anything but masturbate. I went to the closest urinal and he went into a stall, keeping the door open. It was very exciting and I enjoyed myself immensely. 16 years old and already turning tricks in a restroom! I made the right choice to skip driver's education and took it a year later.

That's all for now. Stay safe, wear a mask if you live in an area where COVID is rearing its ugly head again, and if you have not done so -- get vaccinated!
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