As I do every year, whether I've seen many movies or not, I watched the Oscar telecast last night. What was that? In my opinion, it was probably the worst Oscar show ever! Just the fact that they presented the Best Director award as the seventh of the evening indicated that they did not have a clue as to what they were doing. The last four awards have always been Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Picture being announced last. To add to the shit-show, they announced the Best Picture before they announced Best Actor and Best Actress categories.. Really? Whoever was responsible for this production needs to face a firing squad, at the very least. I have no problem with who won the awards, just the way it was done. I actually liked the fact that Anthony Hopkins won Best Actor, instead of Chadwick Boseman (may he rest in peace). I did not need to see the weeping widow give another speech about her departed husband. If that makes me a bad guy, I accept that designation. Enough of that...

Now to the fun part of this posting. As I enter my seventh decade (yes, I turn 70 on Saturday May 1...one Rickette for each of my decades), my wonderful husband created "The Fabulous Rickettes" as a tribute to the original Rockettes of Radio City Music Hall fame in New York. I like it...I hope you do too!


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