I've been holding off for a few days before writing about what happened last week in Washington. As far as I'm concerned, it was a mob encouraged to do as much damage as possible by the current President and his minions at the rally just prior to the riot. Encouraging them to go beyond peaceful protest and take violent action into their own hands. Of course he told them to march to the Capitol, stating "I'll be going with you." But of course I guess his bone spurs got in the way and all he could manage was to go back to his bunker at the White House. His usual cowardice on full display. Some of the videos coming out since it all happened are very disturbing; the "hang Mike Pence" chants, the rioters with plastic hand ties that they use for handcuffs, which indicate to me that they wanted to take some hostages. I love the fact that these idiots were taking selfies, doing videos showing what they were doing, making it quite easy for authorities to track them down, charge them with the appropriate crimes and get them arrested. The videos showing them climbing the walls of the Capitol are perfect evidence that "walls don't work" contrary to what their leader has stated. Has Mexico paid for that wall yet? More troubling is the reports coming out now that are showing they are going to be doing it again at the inauguration on the 20th. It does appear that the Capitol Police will be more prepared this time.

I tried my best to keep this a civil article. I could have easily gone ballistic with more swear words that you could shake a stick at, but I didn't.

Stay safe, stay home, wash you hands and only have small family gatherings. That's all for now.


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